911 Call Recording System

We offer highly customizable and completely integrated 911 call recording and incident reconstruction solutions for the public safety industry.

Our systems provide 911 call centers, dispatchers, and other law enforcement agencies with synchronized recordings for each 911 call they answer and more. When a call comes in, even before the dispatcher answers, our systems are already recording the call. In addition to recording phone conversations, our systems also record the trunks that come in before the call is even made.

In addition to phone recordings, any radio dispatches and dispatcher screens can be recorded, including CAD screens and all the other software, a dispatcher uses during the call. Finally, our Next Generation 911 recording solution captures text-to-911 and multimedia calls. We provide future-proof platforms designed to comply with the National Emergency Number Association’s (NENA’s) i3 MSRP standards.

For further incident reconstruction, we offer an evidence pack for combining all recordings and anything associated with the call, such as documents or 3rd-party videos.

To ensure productivity and performance, we also provide a Quality Assurance (QA) pack. Armed with complete incident information, supervisors are able to evaluate not only a single call, but also an entire incident with QA. With this capability, management can gain substantially more insight into the incident handling process as well as identify best practices and areas requiring attention and improvement.

Want to learn about our 911 Call Recording Solutions?
Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you.


Nice Inform is a comprehensive solution that can capture interactions between the public, emergency centers, and first responders. 

It's comprised of different modular applications that allow you to do better manage incident information such as 

  • log 911 calls, radio calls, screen recordings, even computer-aided dispatch (CAD)
  • to monitor multiple channels simultaneously
  • to reconstruct incidents by putting isolated information from different channels into context
  • to evaluate your center's response during single calls or complex incidents  

Nice Inform can run over traditional and IP-based networks. 

Click here to learn more


Long gone are the days of landlines in every home. Nowadays, everyday citizens call 911 to report incidents from any place, at any time, using their cell phones and smartphones. 

Next Generation 911 recording solutions take that even further, allowing the public to send in photos, videos, and text. 

We offer customizable and completely integrated NG911 solutions to help you manage incidents and information and evaluate your center's response. 

Our solutions can run over traditional and IP-based networks.

Click here to learn more

Intelligence Center

Data comes into an emergency communications center through multiple channels and it's not always easy to compile and track different metrics. 

That's where the NICE Inform Intelligence Center comes in. It's a single, automated solution that gives PSAP managers powerful tools to gain detailed insight into the center's daily operations, allowing managers to visualize calls and pull up-to-the-minute snapshots of key performance metrics.

The solution comes with several pre-built dashboards that we can easily customize such as:

  • Call Durations
  • Time-to-Enter
  • Time-to-Dispatch
  • Time-to-On-Scene
  • and more...

Click here to learn more

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NENA QA/QI Standards

Our customizable 911 call recording systems incorporate APCO (Association of Public Safety) and NENA (National Emergency Number Association) standards for Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Improvement (QI). 

All of our products and future-proof platforms ensure that it's easy to create a QA/QI workflow. Using our products, it's easy for a Quality Assurance Evaluator (QAE) to perform tasks such as:

  • Evaluating calls to ensure that personnel are responding correctly
  • Gathering all available records including call notes, CAD incidents, recordings, and all other information from a random sampling of calls for review
  • Objectively evaluate all data to compare it to the agency's processes and procedures 
  • Provider accurate, timely, and objective feedback to the employee(s) in question
  • Quickly and easily generate reports for further feedback and review

Our platforms, such as the NICE Inform system, support all of these features, as well as NG911 (Next-Generation 911) features, so that your quality assurance team has all of the information that it needs to ensure that your PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) team is operating to its full potential and abides by APCO and NENA QA/QI standards. 

Customer Testimonials

  • Using Inform Elite and Intelligence Center

    • “NICE Inform Evaluator has made our quality assurance process so much more efficient.”


    • “We’re  trying  to  take  responsibilities  away  from  our  supervisors  so  they  can  focus  on  supervising.  And  NICE Inform evaluator has helped  us  do that.”


    • “We've definitely saved people when we saw them dipping, and we're serving our public safety partners better now.”

    Kari Morrissey

    Assistant Director 

    Anoka County Emergency Communications Center - 911


    Anoka County Emergency Communications Center
  • Using Inform Elite and Intelligence Center

    • “We dispatch for 11 law enforcement agencies and 17 fire departments, and when they want to know things like how many domestics we took in this amount of time, we can actually provide those reports for a certain agency, city or the whole county. You can find reports on anything in NICE Inform Intelligence Center”


    • “NICE’s customer service is amazing. We reach out and we hear back immediately.”


    Kari Morrissey 

    Assistant Director 

    Anoka County 911 Communications Center - 911


    Anoka County 911 Minnesota Intelligence Center
  • Using Inform Elite and Intelligence Center

    • “I don’t want our supervisors pulling audio. … Now our supervisors can do more quality assurance and interact with, coach and train our employees and be so much more heads-up because all of that now is lifted off of their plate.”


    • “We have the Cadillac of NICE so that was one thing less to worry about.”


    • “We  tweaked  Intelligence  Center  quite  a  bit  to  make  it  our own.  It  feels  like  a  partnership.  I  don't  feel  that  way  about  every  vendor  that  I  work  with.”


    Barb Davidson, ENP, CMCP

    Ingham County 9-1-1- Central Dispatch 


    NICE Ingham County 9-1-1- Central Dispatch, Michigan Case Study
  • El Paso County 911 District Texas Case Study Video

    Uses Inform Elite with RapidSOS and Priority Dispatch AQUA Integrations

    • “In  addition  to  capturing our P25  radio  system , and  911  phone  and  administrative  phones,  we  also  have  integrations  to  Rapid SOS  which  provides  a  breadcrumb  approach  to  callers  location  information  while  on  a  911  call  as  well  as  an  AQUA integration  which  assists  us  in  capturing  all  of  the  related  calls  for  service  data  coupled  together  with  the  recording  for  a  neat  little  package.”


    • “All  of  NICE's  products  provide  for  an  integrated  data  solution  to  what  was  once  siloed  information.  So  now  we  have  a  one -stop  shop  where  we  gather  all  of  this  information.  The  solution  has  streamlined our  processes.”

    -Racheal Sarabia-Duarte, Operations Director 

    El Paso County 911 District Texas 

    El Paso County 911 Case Study
  • Peoria County Illinois ECC ETSB Case Study Video

    • “As part of a one-stop shop, NICE is able to provide us not only with the audio, but also RapidSOS, text-to-911 and CAD information, to be able to reconstruct the call.  And in the future, picture and video are also going to be incorporated.”
    • “In the state of Illinois, freedom of information requests are rampant and many times, and it could be somebody that's on a fishing expedition which can create an enormous amount of time for a shift supervisor to try and reconstruct everything that occurred with that particular call for service. Having the NICE platform and all of the data and the dashboard frees up the supervisor’s ability to pull everything together and provide that request.”
    • “NICE’s support has been very good, the product is outstanding, it's upgradable, it's maintained well, and we have not only our own local support, but we also have regional support for the product.”
    Peoria County ECC ETSB Case Study

NG911 Grants for 
Kansas PSAPs

Many PSAPs in Kansas may still be operating with old or outdated equipment as upgrades and new systems can be very expensive.

Some of the systems to process NG911 calls come with large up-front costs and many PSAPs simply can't afford them.

That's why the Kansas 911 Coordinating Council has received funding for a subgrant project to help PSAPs in the state cover the costs of hardware, software, and training associated with NG911 calls. 

 To learn more about these subgrants, how long they're available, and the eligibility requirement, contact us.

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