News & Updates

June 26, 2020
Avoid Burnout with Speech Recognition

by Dean J. Tullis Recently the American Medical Association released a study that showed out how excessive documentation needed for electronic medical records is leading to physician burnout. And what’s truly alarming, in my opinion, is the burnout rate for doctors – 44% which is much higher than other professions according to the study. For […]

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May 26, 2020
Join Us for a Virtual 911 Training Day!

Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) professionals are invited to attend our complimentary Virtual 911 QA Training Day, in partnership with NICE and facilitated by professional trainers from the Denise Amber Lee Foundation to learn best practices. The Denise Amber Lee Foundation was a driving force behind the first ever, ANSI Standard for the Establishment of […]

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April 30, 2020
Resources for Our Customers Who Are Working From Home

At first, working from home sounds like a great idea - no commute, no need to dress up or fix your hair, no need to spend money eating out. But after a few weeks, the novelty of being able to work while watching TV wears off and many employees start to feel frustrated and unmotivated, […]

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April 22, 2020
Long-time Customer Explains Benefits of NICE Recorder
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April 22, 2020
Protect Your Students During Distance Learning

by Dean Tullis We are hearing a lot in the news lately about schools implementing video conferencing for distance learning. But as everyone scrambled to find a video platform, few thought about security or about the possibility of being hacked or "bombed." The good news is that there are secure video platforms - the most […]

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April 14, 2020
Don't Miss Telemedicine Opportunities After the Pandemic

by Dean J. Tullis During times like this, some are realizing there is an opportunity for the present and future. This pandemic is giving healthcare workers an opportunity to really look into the benefits of telemedicine for the long-term. It also gives patients an opportunity to use what has so far only been looked at […]

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April 3, 2020
The Telemedicine Dilemma

by Dean J. Tullis As I am talking to people about their telemedicine experiences, I’m surprised that so many are willing to put their patients at risk by using non-HIPAA compliant video solutions, even if it is temporarily allowed by the government. This concerns me because many practices and hospitals need to embrace this situation […]

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March 25, 2020
Voice Products is an essential business and still open

In these challenging and unprecedented times with many unknowns ahead, Voice Products would like all customers and staff to know that their health and safety is always our number one priority. While implementing procedures that follow CDC guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Voice Products is still open and operating because it's considered an […]

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March 17, 2020
Video Conferencing and Telehealth in Response to Covid-19

Covid-19 Requiring Video Conferencing Solutions As Covid-19 spreads, and more people and businesses are practicing social distancing, it's more imperative than ever to have a reliable teleconferencing solution for business meetings, telemedicine, classes, and more. Voice Products offers a reliable product with unlimited support, with no contracts and only $50 per month. Contact us if […]

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March 17, 2020
PSAPs Complimentary Training Canceled

Attention PSAPs—Colorado Training Canceled! Regrettably our complimentary QA/QI Best Practices Training scheduled for Thursday, April 9, 2020 in Brighton, CO has been canceled due to the COVID-19 crisis. If you were already registered, you should get an email regarding the cancellation. In the meantime, we're working to set up alternative classes.

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Our mission at Voice Products is to always exceed customer expectations with an emphasis on total customer satisfaction.
Telemedicine and contact centers
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