NICE Inform Evaluator QA

Understanding the Benefits of the NICE Inform Evaluator QA

NICE Inform Evaluator QA is the right tool for the job if you’re looking for a powerful QA/QI (Quality Assurance And Improvement) solutions for Public Safety Access Points (PSAPs).

This powerful tool allows for reduced risk and improved emergency response, identifying knowledge gaps and weaknesses in compliance, and allowing dispatchers and call-taking professionals to improve their performance. Learn more about NICE Inform Evaluator and what it does now.

Seamless, All-In-One Interface

NICE Inform Evaluator is built into the NICE Inform application suite and uses the same interface as this system – providing you with seamless user experience, and instant access to the information you need for QA.

NICE Inform Evaluator QA: Customizable Forms for Easier QA Review

You can easily allow QA analysts and supervisors to customize QA forms for:

Protocol compliance
Speed of response
Other important, custom criteria

You can also make different forms for specific types of incidents, based on the seniority of a dispatcher, distinct job responsibilities, and more.

Flexible – from Single Calls to Entire Incidents

It’s easy to simply evaluate a single call or text message interaction with NICE Inform Evaluator. However, the powerful recording and cataloging tools provided with this software suite also make it easy to get complete incident information – allowing you to reconstruct the entire incident, with multimedia information and a complete timeline of the incident handling process, involved individuals, teamwork and so much more.

Communications Center QA and Reporting with NICE Inform Evaluator QA

Not only can use you use NICE Inform Reporter to report on individual incidents and individual employee performance, but you can also log and view QA reports for shifts of employees, different teams, and even the entire call center, giving you powerful insights on how you can improve your services.

You can also get insight into phone calls and radio communications volumes on particular days and times – allowing you to make better staffing decisions.

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