All Medical Scribes are Not Created Equal

All Medical Scribes Are Not Created Equal

As we work with different medical facilities across the United States, we see that one of the most important issues is doctor and nurse burnout. Often, burnout is caused by the documentation burden in the EMR, which often forces physicians to take their work home and dictate late into the night on patient charts.

Hiring a Medical Scribe

This brings us to the new subject of hiring a medical scribe, and what that looks like. The following are experiences that medical practices have regarding regular medical scribes:

  1. Typically, new scribes only have 30 days or less of education in medical terminology. This means it can take at least a year before they can positively impact documentation.
  2. Turnover is very high and many times scribes are replaced without notice, so you have to start training over again.
  3. Training for medical scribes is very limited, so most scribe training takes place in the doctor’s office, which means you’re paying to train the scribe.
  4. Because of the lack of medical knowledge on the part of the scribe, physicians are forced to extensively edit their patient charts.
  5. If the scribe is on-site, it can be distracting to the patient. Also, a scribe will require benefits for vacation, health care, holiday pay, etc.

How Our virtual MD Scribes Stands Out

Our Virtual M.D. Scribes have all graduated from a US-accredited medical schools, and have been practicing as family physicians in the Dominican Republic. Because our Virtual M.D. Scribes are medical professionals looking for full-time positions, turnover is almost nonexistent. Every Virtual M.D. Scribe we place has basically paid for themselves and has also increased the physician’s pay. Our Virtual M.D. Scribes are trained on your EMR, your physician’s documentation style, and are ready to work!

If you are ready to reduce your burnout and work with a medical professional, it’s time to get a virtual MD Scribe.

Our mission at Voice Products is to always exceed customer expectations with an emphasis on total customer satisfaction.
Telemedicine and contact centers
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