Law Enforcement - NICE Investigate

NICE Investigate is created for Patrol, Investigators, & Corrections 

evidence management system

Whether you're reacting to an incident, conducting investigations, or seeking clarity on events, NICE is here to optimize your use of digital evidence and data, accelerating the path to truth.

Leverage the comprehensive capabilities of NICE Investigate, the digital evidence management system, to gain a holistic view and expedite case construction. Through automated case assembly, all digital evidence converges seamlessly, presenting a singular, comprehensive, and irrefutable truth.

NICE Digital Evidence Management for Law Enforcement & Corrections

5 Million +

Investigations supported


Up to 50%

Overall investigation productivity improvement (time and costs)


of evidence immediately accessible in unified case folders 


of previously unplayable video made playable 

NICE Capabilities:

Investigation management

Police Digital Evidence Software for Patrol

The NICE police digital evidence software offers an enhanced approach. The solution to unlocking answers lies in gaining control over your data, yet your data is scattered across various systems and locations. NICE introduces a superior method by consolidating all your data into a single platform, providing insights into a multitude of inquiries. 

Whether it's about compliance with standard operating procedures by patrol officers, optimizing resource deployment and utilization, or scrutinizing the handling of high-profile incidents—the answers you seek are readily available, ensuring certainty about what transpired.


Mobile Evidence Access & Collection

Give officers access to listen to emergency calls before they arrive on-scene and enable them to capture digital evidence while on-scene.

Automated Incident Reconstruction

Always know how incidents unfolded. NICE automatically assembles all incident information onto a timeline – body worn video, dashcam video, CCTV, audio recordings, and more. 

Police Digital Evidence Management for Investigations

Solving crimes revolves around uncovering the truth, and that heavily relies on digital evidence. However, with digital evidence scattered across various systems and locations, your investigators spend significant time searching, collecting, copying, and analyzing it. This tedious process, involving shuttling data and struggling to make it accessible, consumes their valuable time, leaving little for their core responsibilities.

Investigation management system

NICE police digital evidence management eradicates these time-consuming manual tasks that impede your investigators. This allows them to redirect their efforts towards effectively solving cases. Our digital transformation platform harnesses integration, analytics, and streamlined workflows to expedite your investigators' journey to the truth. It ensures they never overlook crucial evidence and presents a unified, comprehensive, and indisputable view of the truth.


Automated Case Building

Streamlines investigations by automatically finding and depositing digital evidence into case folders; faster process also enables evidence to be disclosed faster, according to deadlines. 

Evidence Connections & Analytics

Finds hidden connections and recommends evidence to investigators. All evidence is stored digitally, making it easier to establish connections between cases.

Evidence Sharing

Eliminates reliance on physical media and paper; investigators can share digital case files with the prosecution and others electronically. 

Automated Video & Audio Redaction

Redact sensitive information from video and audio evidence without having to send evidence out to 3rd party or navigating a different system. 

Case Performance Management

Supervisors can monitor investigative performance and metrics such as quantity of cases by type and status, assigned and shared cases, volume of evidence collected and shared per case, and more.

Community Evidence Crowdsourcing

Facilitates evidence collection from businesses (e.g., CCTV) and citizens from direct requests and public appeals. Enables fast and secure evidence uploads by witnesses, with no need to seize their devices

corrections evidence management system

Digital Evidence Software for Corrections

The Prison Service prioritizes safety and security, yet given the multitude of facilities and the substantial prison population, incidents are almost inevitable. However, the dispersion of digital evidence across numerous systems and locations leads investigators to expend substantial time searching, collecting, analyzing, and sharing it.

Tasks like transcribing, translating, and ensuring its playability add further strain. These manual endeavors consume so much time that there's minimal room for them to focus on the responsibilities they initially committed to.

NICE's digital evidence software utilizes integration, analytics, and inherent workflows to expedite your investigators' quest for truth. This digital transformation platform assures investigators of never overlooking evidence, presenting a unified, clear, cohesive, and indisputable perspective of the truth.


Automated Case Building

Automatically finds and deposits digital evidence into case folders.

Consistent Digital Evidence Collection

Collects evidence from security cameras and other disparate systems into a central repository, and automatically converts CCTV and other video into playable format.

Unified Visibility Across All Locations & Case Management Systems

Manage and search across all digital evidence in one place. Visualize evidence on timelines and maps.

Automated Video & Audio Redaction

Redact sensitive information from video and audio evidence without having to send evidence out to 3rd party or navigating a different system.

Automated Transcription

Automatically transcribes into searchable text the audio of video visits, phone calls and 911 calls.

Securely Share Any Amount of Evidence

Secure sharing with automated chain of custody tracking for admissibility of evidence in court, all with low burden on your network.


  • NICE Investigate Justice Demo

    Investigate (Police) and Justice (Prosecutors) Video

  • NICE Evidencentral Justice

    NICE Evidencentral Justice Video

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