Resources for Our Customers Who Are Working From Home

At first, working from home sounds like a great idea - no commute, no need to dress up or fix your hair, no need to spend money eating out.

But after a few weeks, the novelty of being able to work while watching TV wears off and many employees start to feel frustrated and unmotivated, often because of a lack of direction from management and little structure in their day.

Customer service employees who had to leave their contact centers because the threat of COVID-19 are at high risk of such frustration. They continue to deal with high customer demands, but have little support from supervisors and coworkers.

Our partners at NICE know this and are prepared to help with products and services  that increase organization and productivity.

NICE built its framework for empowering customer service agents to be successful while working from home around five elements

Click here for many resources that can keep you and your employees engaged and productive -- you'll find webinars, white papers and e-books with ideas and advice.


Our mission at Voice Products is to always exceed customer expectations with an emphasis on total customer satisfaction.
Telemedicine and contact centers
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